"a Modern Automotive Marketing Platform helps you understand customers' needs, build credibility, create compelling value, and provide excellent service."

Automotive Marketing Platform

Go 'full throttle' for automotive market dominance with the Rhythm+ Program. Sign up to request a demo below.

Automotive Marketing Platform

Go 'full throttle' for automotive market dominance with the Rhythm+ Program. Sign up to request a demo below.

What Sets Us Apart Is Momentum

Real-Time Auto Leads is more than a platform, thanks to the Rhythm+ Program. What good is automotive marketing software that includes only limited support? Our marketing specialists are plugged-in and in a momentum-creation mindset, by your side in the pursuit of market dominance.


What Sets Us Apart Is Momentum

Real-Time Auto Leads is more than a platform, thanks to the Rhythm+ Program. What good is automotive marketing software that includes only limited support? Our marketing specialists are plugged-in and in a momentum-creation mindset, by your side in the pursuit of market dominance.


Beyond product features, want to become a better automotive business?

Beyond product features, want to become a better automotive business?

Join the Automotive Marketing Platform with White-Gloved Support Services and get help across your projects from our expert marketing specialists, which you can directly access with your account!

Automate workflows with customer data

Meet customers who are ready to buy

Understand customers' needs online

Build credibility with marketing dominance

Create digital assets for compelling value

Provide excellent service, starting online

Product Features and Other Benefits

Email Marketing

Automotive Email Marketing: Gain unlocked access to a comprehensive email marketing tool specifically tailored for the automotive industry. Connect with potential customers, nurture existing leads, and stay in touch with your automotive audience through engaging and personalized email campaigns.

Autoresponder Sequences: Unlock the power of autoresponder sequences designed exclusively for automotive businesses. Automate follow-up emails, deliver timely information, and create a seamless customer journey that keeps your prospects engaged and informed about the latest automotive offerings.

Inventory Updates: Stay on top of your automotive inventory with real-time updates sent directly to your CRM account. Get instant notifications about new arrivals, price changes, and special offers, allowing you to keep your leads informed and interested in your ever-changing automotive selection.

Lead Nurturing Campaigns: Utilize pre-built lead nurturing campaigns that are optimized for the automotive industry. Automatically guide your leads through the sales funnel with targeted and personalized content, ensuring that each prospect receives the right information at the right time to increase conversion rates.

Customer Segmentation: Take advantage of advanced customer segmentation tools tailored specifically for automotive businesses. Categorize your leads based on their preferences, behaviors, and vehicle preferences, allowing you to deliver highly targeted marketing messages and promotions that resonate with each individual customer.

Responsive Email Templates: Access a wide range of professionally designed and mobile-responsive email templates that are customized for the automotive industry. Create visually appealing and engaging emails that drive customer engagement and effectively showcase your automotive products and services.

Analytics and Reporting: Gain valuable insights into the performance of your email marketing campaigns. Track metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to optimize your automotive email marketing strategy and make data-driven decisions to improve your overall marketing effectiveness.

Integration with Customer Database: Seamlessly integrate your automotive CRM account with your customer database, enabling you to leverage valuable customer data to enhance your email marketing efforts. Utilize customer information such as vehicle preferences, purchase history, and service records to deliver personalized and targeted email communications.

A/B Testing: Fine-tune your automotive email marketing campaigns with A/B testing capabilities. Test different subject lines, email content, and call-to-action elements to identify the most effective strategies for engaging your audience and driving conversions.

Compliance and Opt-Out Management: Ensure compliance with email marketing regulations and maintain a positive reputation by managing opt-outs and unsubscribe requests effectively. With built-in opt-out management features, you can provide a seamless and hassle-free experience for customers who no longer wish to receive your automotive emails.

SMS Marketing

Automotive SMS Marketing: Unlock the power of SMS marketing specifically designed for the automotive industry. Reach your potential customers directly on their mobile devices with targeted and personalized text messages that drive engagement, increase brand awareness, and generate leads.

Automated SMS Campaigns: Leverage the efficiency of automated SMS campaigns to deliver timely and relevant messages to your automotive leads. Set up automated sequences that trigger SMS notifications for various customer touchpoints such as test drive reminders, service reminders, or promotional offers.

Special Offers and Promotions: Instantly notify your automotive leads about exclusive special offers, discounts, and promotions through SMS marketing. Increase foot traffic to your dealership or service center by sending time-sensitive deals directly to your audience, creating a sense of urgency and driving immediate action.

Inventory Updates: Keep your leads informed about the latest additions to your automotive inventory through SMS alerts. Send real-time notifications about new vehicle arrivals, updated pricing, or limited-time availability, ensuring that your prospects are always up to date with your offerings.

Appointment Reminders: Reduce no-shows and improve customer attendance by sending automated SMS appointment reminders. Help your customers stay organized and remind them about upcoming test drives, service appointments, or vehicle maintenance schedules, enhancing their overall experience with your automotive business.

Two-Way Communication: Enable two-way communication with your automotive leads through SMS marketing. Allow customers to easily respond to your messages, ask questions, or schedule appointments directly via SMS, fostering a convenient and personalized communication channel.

Customer Satisfaction Surveys: Gather valuable feedback from your automotive customers through SMS surveys. Send post-purchase or post-service surveys to gauge customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement, helping you enhance your automotive offerings and customer experience.

Text-to-Win Contests: Engage your automotive leads and build excitement through SMS-based contests. Run text-to-win campaigns where customers can participate by sending a keyword via SMS, giving them a chance to win exclusive prizes or discounts, while also expanding your contact list.

SMS Coupons and Loyalty Programs: Reward your loyal automotive customers by sending exclusive SMS coupons and offers. Implement a loyalty program where customers receive special discounts or perks via SMS, creating a sense of appreciation and fostering long-term customer relationships.

Analytics and Performance Tracking: Track the effectiveness of your SMS marketing campaigns with comprehensive analytics and performance tracking. Monitor metrics such as delivery rates, open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to optimize your automotive SMS strategy and maximize results.

Online Booking

Automotive Online Booking: Unlock the convenience of online booking for your automotive business. Provide your customers with a user-friendly and intuitive platform where they can easily schedule appointments, test drives, or service requests at their convenience.

Service Appointment Scheduler: Streamline your service operations with an online booking system that allows customers to schedule service appointments for their vehicles. Provide them with a hassle-free way to select preferred dates, times, and services, ensuring efficient scheduling and minimizing wait times.

Test Drive Reservations: Enhance the car buying experience by offering online test drive reservations. Allow prospective customers to browse your inventory, select a vehicle of interest, and book a specific date and time for their test drive, providing a seamless and personalized experience.

Vehicle Inspection Requests: Enable customers to request vehicle inspections conveniently through your online booking system. Whether it's for pre-purchase inspections or routine maintenance checks, give customers the ability to select a date and time that suits them best, ensuring efficient service delivery.

Parts Ordering: Simplify the process of ordering automotive parts by offering an online booking system. Allow customers to browse your parts catalog, select the needed components, and schedule a pickup or delivery date, ensuring a smooth and streamlined parts procurement process.

Customization Appointments: Cater to the preferences of your customers by offering online booking for customization services. Whether it's installing aftermarket accessories or personalizing vehicles, provide an easy way for customers to schedule appointments and discuss their customization needs with your experts.

Sales Consultations: Offer online booking for sales consultations, enabling potential buyers to connect with your sales team at a time that works best for them. Allow customers to schedule virtual or in-person meetings to discuss their automotive needs, explore options, and receive personalized guidance.

Exclusive Events and Workshops: Promote exclusive events and workshops through your online booking system. Allow customers to reserve their spots for special automotive events, such as new model launches, educational workshops, or VIP customer appreciation events, creating anticipation and ensuring attendance.

Rental Reservations: If you offer vehicle rental services, provide an online booking platform where customers can easily reserve rental vehicles. Enable them to select the desired dates, vehicle type, and any additional options, ensuring a seamless and efficient rental experience.

Mobile-Friendly Interface: Ensure that your online booking system is fully optimized for mobile devices. With a responsive design, customers can access and book appointments easily from their smartphones or tablets, providing a seamless and user-friendly experience.

Smart CRM

Intelligent Lead Management: Leverage the power of a smart CRM to effectively manage your automotive leads. Benefit from advanced lead scoring algorithms, automated lead assignment, and real-time lead tracking, allowing you to prioritize and engage with high-potential leads for increased conversion rates.

Predictive Analytics: Harness the capabilities of predictive analytics within your smart CRM to gain insights into customer behavior and preferences. Identify trends, anticipate customer needs, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your automotive marketing and sales strategies.

Personalized Customer Interactions: Enhance customer relationships with personalized interactions powered by a smart CRM. Utilize customer data, such as purchase history, service records, and preferences, to deliver tailored recommendations, targeted offers, and individualized communication that resonates with each customer.

Automated Follow-Ups: Automate follow-up actions and nurture relationships with your automotive leads using intelligent workflows. Set up customized sequences of emails, SMS messages, and reminders based on customer interactions, ensuring timely and relevant communication at every stage of the customer journey.

Integrated Communication Channels: Integrate various communication channels, such as email, SMS, and social media, into your smart CRM. Consolidate customer interactions from multiple channels, enabling a holistic view of customer engagement and ensuring consistent and seamless communication across platforms.

Deal Pipeline Management: Effectively manage your automotive sales pipeline with a smart CRM's deal management features. Track the progress of leads, assign tasks, set reminders, and analyze deal stages to optimize your sales process, increase efficiency, and close deals faster.

Customer Service Automation: Streamline your automotive customer service with smart CRM automation. Utilize chatbots, AI-driven virtual assistants, and self-service portals to provide quick and accurate responses to customer inquiries, improving customer satisfaction and reducing response times.

Real-Time Data Synchronization: Ensure that your smart CRM synchronizes in real-time with your other business systems, such as inventory management or service scheduling. This integration allows for up-to-date information on vehicle availability, service appointments, and customer preferences, enabling seamless operations and customer-centric experiences.

Performance Dashboards: Access comprehensive performance dashboards within your smart CRM to monitor key metrics and track the success of your automotive business. Visualize data on lead conversion rates, sales revenue, customer retention, and more, empowering you to make informed decisions and drive continuous improvement.


Visualize the Sales Pipeline: Gain a clear and visual representation of your automotive sales pipeline within the CRM. See the different stages of your sales process, from lead acquisition to deal closure, allowing you to track progress, identify bottlenecks, and optimize your pipeline for improved efficiency.

Lead and Deal Tracking: Keep track of leads and deals at each stage of the pipeline. Monitor the movement of leads from initial contact to qualified prospects, and ultimately, to closed deals. With a smart CRM, you can easily update and access information related to leads, such as contact details, interactions, and deal value.

Stage Customization: Customize the stages of your automotive sales pipeline to align with your specific business processes. Tailor the pipeline stages to reflect the unique steps involved in your automotive sales cycle, ensuring a pipeline that suits your dealership's or business's needs.

Automated Deal Assignment: Automate the assignment of deals to sales team members based on predefined rules or lead-scoring algorithms. Ensure that leads are distributed efficiently, enabling your sales representatives to focus on their assigned deals and maximize their productivity.

Task Management and Reminders: Assign tasks and set reminders within the CRM for each stage of the pipeline. Stay organized and never miss important follow-ups or deadlines. Smart CRM systems can provide notifications and reminders to sales team members, ensuring timely and proactive engagement with leads.

Collaboration and Communication: Foster collaboration among your sales team by enabling communication and information sharing within the CRM. Sales representatives can leave notes, update deal progress, and collaborate with colleagues, promoting a unified and streamlined approach to deal management.

Probability and Forecasting: Utilize the data within your smart CRM to analyze deal probability and forecast sales. Based on historical data and deal progress, the CRM can provide insights into the likelihood of closing deals, enabling you to make informed decisions, allocate resources effectively, and forecast revenue accurately.

Sales Performance Analytics: Leverage analytics and reporting features in your smart CRM to gain valuable insights into the performance of your automotive sales pipeline. Track metrics such as conversion rates, average deal size, and sales velocity, allowing you to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to optimize your pipeline.

Integration with Marketing Efforts: Integrate your CRM with marketing automation tools to align your marketing efforts with the sales pipeline. Ensure that leads generated through marketing campaigns seamlessly flow into the pipeline, enabling a cohesive and integrated approach to lead management and conversion.

Continuous Pipeline Optimization: With a smart CRM, continuously analyze and optimize your automotive sales pipeline. Use the insights and data provided by the CRM to identify bottlenecks, refine processes, and implement strategies to improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of your pipeline.

Artificial Intelligence

Lead Scoring: AI algorithms can analyze lead data and behavior patterns to assign a score to each lead. By considering factors such as lead source, engagement level, and demographic information, AI can help prioritize leads based on their likelihood of conversion, enabling sales teams to focus on high-potential prospects.

Lead Segmentation: AI can automatically segment leads into different categories based on various criteria such as location, vehicle preferences, or buying intentions. This allows for targeted marketing campaigns and personalized communication, tailored to the specific needs and interests of each segment.

Automated Lead Nurturing: AI-powered automation can streamline lead nurturing processes. By leveraging machine learning, the CRM can automatically send personalized and timely communications to leads, based on their behavior and stage in the buying journey. This ensures consistent engagement and increases the chances of converting leads into customers.

Sentiment Analysis: AI algorithms can analyze customer interactions, including emails, chats, or social media messages, to determine the sentiment and emotional tone of the communication. This helps sales and customer service teams understand customer satisfaction levels and address any concerns or issues promptly.

Intelligent Recommendations: AI can analyze customer data, including past purchases, service history, and online behavior, to provide intelligent recommendations. The CRM can suggest suitable vehicle models, accessories, or service packages to customers, enhancing their buying experience and increasing upselling opportunities.

Conversation Analysis: AI-powered natural language processing (NLP) can analyze customer conversations, such as phone calls or chat transcripts, to extract valuable insights. This helps sales teams identify customer preferences, pain points, and objections, enabling them to tailor their approach and improve sales strategies.

Predictive Analytics: AI can leverage historical data to generate predictive insights. By analyzing patterns and trends, the CRM can provide sales teams with forecasts on sales volumes, customer retention rates, or service demand, enabling proactive decision-making and resource allocation.

Intelligent Data Entry: AI can automate data entry tasks by extracting relevant information from various sources, like emails or documents. This eliminates the need for manual data input, reduces errors, and frees up valuable time for sales teams to focus on customer interactions and lead management.

Voice Analytics: AI-powered voice analytics can analyze customer calls to extract valuable insights. This helps identify customer needs, preferences, and pain points, enabling sales teams to provide more personalized and effective solutions during customer interactions.

Performance Tracking and Reporting: AI can generate comprehensive reports and dashboards that provide real-time insights into sales performance, lead conversion rates, and customer engagement metrics. This enables management to monitor key performance indicators and make data-driven decisions to optimize sales and marketing strategies.

Power Dialer

The power dialer is a feature that automates the process of making a large volume of calls, which is beneficial for dealerships that make numerous calls every day.

The power dialer in RTAL allows users to automate the dialing process, increasing the efficiency of call outreach. By utilizing the power dialer, users can make two or three times as many calls in a day compared to manual dialing.

The power dialer feature also provides a buffer between each call and allows users to quickly move on to the next lead.

Additionally, the power dialer in RTAL integrates with other functionalities such as appointment calendars, CRM, and automation. Users can set up automated actions like sending emails, text messages, and voicemails to contacts who don't answer calls, enhancing the follow-up process.

Within the power dialer, users can track activity, create tasks for follow-up, take notes on conversations, and even book appointments with leads. The power dialer provides call reporting and analytics, allowing users to review call data and listen to call recordings for training purposes.

To set up the power dialer in RTAL, simply book a complimentary session to discuss your needs and put us to work. The power dialer can be accessed through the contacts section in RTAL, and users can start dialing leads with just a click.

In short, the power dialer feature in RTAL streamlines and automates the process of making a large number of calls, improving efficiency and productivity for dealers engaged in call outreach activities.

Funnel & Website Experts

Our Real-Time Auto Leads Platform goes beyond just providing software tools. We understand the importance of expert guidance in building effective automotive funnels and websites. That's why we offer skilled professionals who specialize in creating unique digital assets tailored to the automotive industry.

Our funnel and website experts work closely with you to understand your business goals and brand identity, crafting customized funnels and websites that capture leads and drive conversions. With their expertise, you can create a compelling online presence, optimized for the automotive market and achieve success in attracting and engaging potential customers.

Professional Custom Digital Assets

When it comes to establishing a strong online presence in the automotive industry, having professional, custom digital assets is crucial.

With our Real-Time Auto Leads Platform, we offer a dedicated network of experts who specialize in creating top-notch digital assets tailored specifically for the automotive sector.

Whether you need eye-catching graphics, engaging videos, or captivating content, our network of professionals has the skills and experience to deliver. They work closely with our team to understand your brand, target audience, and objectives, ensuring that the digital assets they create align perfectly with your vision.

By leveraging their expertise, you can enhance your brand's visibility, credibility, and ultimately attract more qualified leads in the highly competitive automotive market.

Professional Custom Marketing Campaigns

In the ever-evolving world of automotive marketing, having professional, custom marketing campaigns can make all the difference in standing out from the competition.

With our Real-Time Auto Leads Platform, we provide marketing experts who specialize in creating tailored campaigns for the automotive industry. They understand your unique selling propositions, target audience, and business goals.

From strategic planning and creative development to implementation and analysis, our professionals ensure that your marketing campaigns are highly effective and resonate with your target customers.

Whether it's a digital campaign, social media advertising, email marketing, or a combination of various channels, our team crafts compelling messages and designs that drive engagement, generate leads, and maximize your ROI. With our professional custom marketing campaigns, you can establish a strong brand presence, reach your ideal customers, and achieve long-term success in the automotive market.

Complimentary Custom Setup

At Real-Time Auto Leads, we believe in providing a comprehensive and hassle-free experience for our clients. That's why we offer a complimentary custom setup as part of our services. Whether you're looking to set up an automotive funnel or a website with unique digital assets, we'll handle the entire setup process for you.

From configuring the CRM platform to integrating necessary tools and functionalities, our team ensures that everything is set up correctly and tailored to your business. We take care of the technical aspects so that you can focus on what you do best—running your automotive business. With our complimentary custom setup, you can save time and effort while getting your automotive funnels and websites up and running smoothly.

Complimentary Ongoing Maintenance

At Real-Time Auto Leads, we understand that maintaining your digital assets is crucial for the success of your automotive marketing campaigns. That's why we offer complimentary ongoing maintenance as part of our services. Our dedicated team of experts will continue to support you even after the initial setup.

We'll regularly monitor and update your automotive funnels, websites, and digital assets to ensure they are running smoothly and effectively. This includes performing routine maintenance tasks, such as software updates, security patches, and performance optimization.

Our goal is to provide you with a hassle-free experience so that you can focus on your core business while we take care of the technical aspects. With our complimentary ongoing maintenance, you can have greater peace of mind knowing that your digital assets are in good hands, always up-to-date, and performing at their best.

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We Put The 'Pedal To The Metal' in Marketing for BHPH, Independent Dealerships, Automotive Body Shops, and More

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Real-Time Lead Delivery Guarantee

Lead Quality Guarantee

Guaranteed Exclusive Lead

Customer-Forward Support

Performance & ROI Guarantee

Join the Automotive Marketing Platform with White-Gloved Support Services and get help across your projects from our expert marketing specialists, which you can directly access with your account!

Automate workflows with customer data

Meet customers who are ready to buy

Understand customers' needs online

Build credibility with marketing dominance

Create digital assets for compelling value

Provide excellent service, starting online

Product Features and Other Benefits

Email Marketing

Automotive Email Marketing: Gain unlocked access to a comprehensive email marketing tool specifically tailored for the automotive industry. Connect with potential customers, nurture existing leads, and stay in touch with your automotive audience through engaging and personalized email campaigns.

Autoresponder Sequences: Unlock the power of autoresponder sequences designed exclusively for automotive businesses. Automate follow-up emails, deliver timely information, and create a seamless customer journey that keeps your prospects engaged and informed about the latest automotive offerings.

Inventory Updates: Stay on top of your automotive inventory with real-time updates sent directly to your CRM account. Get instant notifications about new arrivals, price changes, and special offers, allowing you to keep your leads informed and interested in your ever-changing automotive selection.

Lead Nurturing Campaigns: Utilize pre-built lead nurturing campaigns that are optimized for the automotive industry. Automatically guide your leads through the sales funnel with targeted and personalized content, ensuring that each prospect receives the right information at the right time to increase conversion rates.

Customer Segmentation: Take advantage of advanced customer segmentation tools tailored specifically for automotive businesses. Categorize your leads based on their preferences, behaviors, and vehicle preferences, allowing you to deliver highly targeted marketing messages and promotions that resonate with each individual customer.

Responsive Email Templates: Access a wide range of professionally designed and mobile-responsive email templates that are customized for the automotive industry. Create visually appealing and engaging emails that drive customer engagement and effectively showcase your automotive products and services.

Analytics and Reporting: Gain valuable insights into the performance of your email marketing campaigns. Track metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to optimize your automotive email marketing strategy and make data-driven decisions to improve your overall marketing effectiveness.

Integration with Customer Database: Seamlessly integrate your automotive CRM account with your customer database, enabling you to leverage valuable customer data to enhance your email marketing efforts. Utilize customer information such as vehicle preferences, purchase history, and service records to deliver personalized and targeted email communications.

A/B Testing: Fine-tune your automotive email marketing campaigns with A/B testing capabilities. Test different subject lines, email content, and call-to-action elements to identify the most effective strategies for engaging your audience and driving conversions.

Compliance and Opt-Out Management: Ensure compliance with email marketing regulations and maintain a positive reputation by managing opt-outs and unsubscribe requests effectively. With built-in opt-out management features, you can provide a seamless and hassle-free experience for customers who no longer wish to receive your automotive emails.

SMS Marketing

Automotive SMS Marketing: Unlock the power of SMS marketing specifically designed for the automotive industry. Reach your potential customers directly on their mobile devices with targeted and personalized text messages that drive engagement, increase brand awareness, and generate leads.

Automated SMS Campaigns: Leverage the efficiency of automated SMS campaigns to deliver timely and relevant messages to your automotive leads. Set up automated sequences that trigger SMS notifications for various customer touchpoints such as test drive reminders, service reminders, or promotional offers.

Special Offers and Promotions: Instantly notify your automotive leads about exclusive special offers, discounts, and promotions through SMS marketing. Increase foot traffic to your dealership or service center by sending time-sensitive deals directly to your audience, creating a sense of urgency and driving immediate action.

Inventory Updates: Keep your leads informed about the latest additions to your automotive inventory through SMS alerts. Send real-time notifications about new vehicle arrivals, updated pricing, or limited-time availability, ensuring that your prospects are always up to date with your offerings.

Appointment Reminders: Reduce no-shows and improve customer attendance by sending automated SMS appointment reminders. Help your customers stay organized and remind them about upcoming test drives, service appointments, or vehicle maintenance schedules, enhancing their overall experience with your automotive business.

Two-Way Communication: Enable two-way communication with your automotive leads through SMS marketing. Allow customers to easily respond to your messages, ask questions, or schedule appointments directly via SMS, fostering a convenient and personalized communication channel.

Customer Satisfaction Surveys: Gather valuable feedback from your automotive customers through SMS surveys. Send post-purchase or post-service surveys to gauge customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement, helping you enhance your automotive offerings and customer experience.

Text-to-Win Contests: Engage your automotive leads and build excitement through SMS-based contests. Run text-to-win campaigns where customers can participate by sending a keyword via SMS, giving them a chance to win exclusive prizes or discounts, while also expanding your contact list.

SMS Coupons and Loyalty Programs: Reward your loyal automotive customers by sending exclusive SMS coupons and offers. Implement a loyalty program where customers receive special discounts or perks via SMS, creating a sense of appreciation and fostering long-term customer relationships.

Analytics and Performance Tracking: Track the effectiveness of your SMS marketing campaigns with comprehensive analytics and performance tracking. Monitor metrics such as delivery rates, open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to optimize your automotive SMS strategy and maximize results.

Online Booking

Automotive Online Booking: Unlock the convenience of online booking for your automotive business. Provide your customers with a user-friendly and intuitive platform where they can easily schedule appointments, test drives, or service requests at their convenience.

Service Appointment Scheduler: Streamline your service operations with an online booking system that allows customers to schedule service appointments for their vehicles. Provide them with a hassle-free way to select preferred dates, times, and services, ensuring efficient scheduling and minimizing wait times.

Test Drive Reservations: Enhance the car buying experience by offering online test drive reservations. Allow prospective customers to browse your inventory, select a vehicle of interest, and book a specific date and time for their test drive, providing a seamless and personalized experience.

Vehicle Inspection Requests: Enable customers to request vehicle inspections conveniently through your online booking system. Whether it's for pre-purchase inspections or routine maintenance checks, give customers the ability to select a date and time that suits them best, ensuring efficient service delivery.

Parts Ordering: Simplify the process of ordering automotive parts by offering an online booking system. Allow customers to browse your parts catalog, select the needed components, and schedule a pickup or delivery date, ensuring a smooth and streamlined parts procurement process.

Customization Appointments: Cater to the preferences of your customers by offering online booking for customization services. Whether it's installing aftermarket accessories or personalizing vehicles, provide an easy way for customers to schedule appointments and discuss their customization needs with your experts.

Sales Consultations: Offer online booking for sales consultations, enabling potential buyers to connect with your sales team at a time that works best for them. Allow customers to schedule virtual or in-person meetings to discuss their automotive needs, explore options, and receive personalized guidance.

Exclusive Events and Workshops: Promote exclusive events and workshops through your online booking system. Allow customers to reserve their spots for special automotive events, such as new model launches, educational workshops, or VIP customer appreciation events, creating anticipation and ensuring attendance.

Rental Reservations: If you offer vehicle rental services, provide an online booking platform where customers can easily reserve rental vehicles. Enable them to select the desired dates, vehicle type, and any additional options, ensuring a seamless and efficient rental experience.

Mobile-Friendly Interface: Ensure that your online booking system is fully optimized for mobile devices. With a responsive design, customers can access and book appointments easily from their smartphones or tablets, providing a seamless and user-friendly experience.

Smart CRM

Intelligent Lead Management: Leverage the power of a smart CRM to effectively manage your automotive leads. Benefit from advanced lead scoring algorithms, automated lead assignment, and real-time lead tracking, allowing you to prioritize and engage with high-potential leads for increased conversion rates.

Predictive Analytics: Harness the capabilities of predictive analytics within your smart CRM to gain insights into customer behavior and preferences. Identify trends, anticipate customer needs, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your automotive marketing and sales strategies.

Personalized Customer Interactions: Enhance customer relationships with personalized interactions powered by a smart CRM. Utilize customer data, such as purchase history, service records, and preferences, to deliver tailored recommendations, targeted offers, and individualized communication that resonates with each customer.

Automated Follow-Ups: Automate follow-up actions and nurture relationships with your automotive leads using intelligent workflows. Set up customized sequences of emails, SMS messages, and reminders based on customer interactions, ensuring timely and relevant communication at every stage of the customer journey.

Integrated Communication Channels: Integrate various communication channels, such as email, SMS, and social media, into your smart CRM. Consolidate customer interactions from multiple channels, enabling a holistic view of customer engagement and ensuring consistent and seamless communication across platforms.

Deal Pipeline Management: Effectively manage your automotive sales pipeline with a smart CRM's deal management features. Track the progress of leads, assign tasks, set reminders, and analyze deal stages to optimize your sales process, increase efficiency, and close deals faster.

Customer Service Automation: Streamline your automotive customer service with smart CRM automation. Utilize chatbots, AI-driven virtual assistants, and self-service portals to provide quick and accurate responses to customer inquiries, improving customer satisfaction and reducing response times.

Real-Time Data Synchronization: Ensure that your smart CRM synchronizes in real-time with your other business systems, such as inventory management or service scheduling. This integration allows for up-to-date information on vehicle availability, service appointments, and customer preferences, enabling seamless operations and customer-centric experiences.

Performance Dashboards: Access comprehensive performance dashboards within your smart CRM to monitor key metrics and track the success of your automotive business. Visualize data on lead conversion rates, sales revenue, customer retention, and more, empowering you to make informed decisions and drive continuous improvement.


Visualize the Sales Pipeline: Gain a clear and visual representation of your automotive sales pipeline within the CRM. See the different stages of your sales process, from lead acquisition to deal closure, allowing you to track progress, identify bottlenecks, and optimize your pipeline for improved efficiency.

Lead and Deal Tracking: Keep track of leads and deals at each stage of the pipeline. Monitor the movement of leads from initial contact to qualified prospects, and ultimately, to closed deals. With a smart CRM, you can easily update and access information related to leads, such as contact details, interactions, and deal value.

Stage Customization: Customize the stages of your automotive sales pipeline to align with your specific business processes. Tailor the pipeline stages to reflect the unique steps involved in your automotive sales cycle, ensuring a pipeline that suits your dealership's or business's needs.

Automated Deal Assignment: Automate the assignment of deals to sales team members based on predefined rules or lead-scoring algorithms. Ensure that leads are distributed efficiently, enabling your sales representatives to focus on their assigned deals and maximize their productivity.

Task Management and Reminders: Assign tasks and set reminders within the CRM for each stage of the pipeline. Stay organized and never miss important follow-ups or deadlines. Smart CRM systems can provide notifications and reminders to sales team members, ensuring timely and proactive engagement with leads.

Collaboration and Communication: Foster collaboration among your sales team by enabling communication and information sharing within the CRM. Sales representatives can leave notes, update deal progress, and collaborate with colleagues, promoting a unified and streamlined approach to deal management.

Probability and Forecasting: Utilize the data within your smart CRM to analyze deal probability and forecast sales. Based on historical data and deal progress, the CRM can provide insights into the likelihood of closing deals, enabling you to make informed decisions, allocate resources effectively, and forecast revenue accurately.

Sales Performance Analytics: Leverage analytics and reporting features in your smart CRM to gain valuable insights into the performance of your automotive sales pipeline. Track metrics such as conversion rates, average deal size, and sales velocity, allowing you to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to optimize your pipeline.

Integration with Marketing Efforts: Integrate your CRM with marketing automation tools to align your marketing efforts with the sales pipeline. Ensure that leads generated through marketing campaigns seamlessly flow into the pipeline, enabling a cohesive and integrated approach to lead management and conversion.

Continuous Pipeline Optimization: With a smart CRM, continuously analyze and optimize your automotive sales pipeline. Use the insights and data provided by the CRM to identify bottlenecks, refine processes, and implement strategies to improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of your pipeline.

Artificial Intelligence

Lead Scoring: AI algorithms can analyze lead data and behavior patterns to assign a score to each lead. By considering factors such as lead source, engagement level, and demographic information, AI can help prioritize leads based on their likelihood of conversion, enabling sales teams to focus on high-potential prospects.

Lead Segmentation: AI can automatically segment leads into different categories based on various criteria such as location, vehicle preferences, or buying intentions. This allows for targeted marketing campaigns and personalized communication, tailored to the specific needs and interests of each segment.

Automated Lead Nurturing: AI-powered automation can streamline lead nurturing processes. By leveraging machine learning, the CRM can automatically send personalized and timely communications to leads, based on their behavior and stage in the buying journey. This ensures consistent engagement and increases the chances of converting leads into customers.

Sentiment Analysis: AI algorithms can analyze customer interactions, including emails, chats, or social media messages, to determine the sentiment and emotional tone of the communication. This helps sales and customer service teams understand customer satisfaction levels and address any concerns or issues promptly.

Intelligent Recommendations: AI can analyze customer data, including past purchases, service history, and online behavior, to provide intelligent recommendations. The CRM can suggest suitable vehicle models, accessories, or service packages to customers, enhancing their buying experience and increasing upselling opportunities.

Conversation Analysis: AI-powered natural language processing (NLP) can analyze customer conversations, such as phone calls or chat transcripts, to extract valuable insights. This helps sales teams identify customer preferences, pain points, and objections, enabling them to tailor their approach and improve sales strategies.

Predictive Analytics: AI can leverage historical data to generate predictive insights. By analyzing patterns and trends, the CRM can provide sales teams with forecasts on sales volumes, customer retention rates, or service demand, enabling proactive decision-making and resource allocation.

Intelligent Data Entry: AI can automate data entry tasks by extracting relevant information from various sources, like emails or documents. This eliminates the need for manual data input, reduces errors, and frees up valuable time for sales teams to focus on customer interactions and lead management.

Voice Analytics: AI-powered voice analytics can analyze customer calls to extract valuable insights. This helps identify customer needs, preferences, and pain points, enabling sales teams to provide more personalized and effective solutions during customer interactions.

Performance Tracking and Reporting: AI can generate comprehensive reports and dashboards that provide real-time insights into sales performance, lead conversion rates, and customer engagement metrics. This enables management to monitor key performance indicators and make data-driven decisions to optimize sales and marketing strategies.

Power Dialer

The power dialer is a feature that automates the process of making a large volume of calls, which is beneficial for dealerships that make numerous calls every day.

The power dialer in RTAL allows users to automate the dialing process, increasing the efficiency of call outreach. By utilizing the power dialer, users can make two or three times as many calls in a day compared to manual dialing.

The power dialer feature also provides a buffer between each call and allows users to quickly move on to the next lead.

Additionally, the power dialer in RTAL integrates with other functionalities such as appointment calendars, CRM, and automation. Users can set up automated actions like sending emails, text messages, and voicemails to contacts who don't answer calls, enhancing the follow-up process.

Within the power dialer, users can track activity, create tasks for follow-up, take notes on conversations, and even book appointments with leads. The power dialer provides call reporting and analytics, allowing users to review call data and listen to call recordings for training purposes.

To set up the power dialer in RTAL, simply book a complimentary session to discuss your needs and put us to work. The power dialer can be accessed through the contacts section in RTAL, and users can start dialing leads with just a click.

In short, the power dialer feature in RTAL streamlines and automates the process of making a large number of calls, improving efficiency and productivity for dealers engaged in call outreach activities.

Funnel & Website Experts

Our Real-Time Auto Leads Platform goes beyond just providing software tools. We understand the importance of expert guidance in building effective automotive funnels and websites. That's why we offer skilled professionals who specialize in creating unique digital assets tailored to the automotive industry.

Our funnel and website experts work closely with you to understand your business goals and brand identity, crafting customized funnels and websites that capture leads and drive conversions. With their expertise, you can create a compelling online presence, optimized for the automotive market and achieve success in attracting and engaging potential customers.

Professional Custom Digital Assets

When it comes to establishing a strong online presence in the automotive industry, having professional, custom digital assets is crucial.

With our Real-Time Auto Leads Platform, we offer a dedicated network of experts who specialize in creating top-notch digital assets tailored specifically for the automotive sector.

Whether you need eye-catching graphics, engaging videos, or captivating content, our network of professionals has the skills and experience to deliver. They work closely with our team to understand your brand, target audience, and objectives, ensuring that the digital assets they create align perfectly with your vision.

By leveraging their expertise, you can enhance your brand's visibility, credibility, and ultimately attract more qualified leads in the highly competitive automotive market.

Professional Custom Marketing Campaigns

In the ever-evolving world of automotive marketing, having professional, custom marketing campaigns can make all the difference in standing out from the competition.

With our Real-Time Auto Leads Platform, we provide marketing experts who specialize in creating tailored campaigns for the automotive industry. They understand your unique selling propositions, target audience, and business goals.

From strategic planning and creative development to implementation and analysis, our professionals ensure that your marketing campaigns are highly effective and resonate with your target customers.

Whether it's a digital campaign, social media advertising, email marketing, or a combination of various channels, our team crafts compelling messages and designs that drive engagement, generate leads, and maximize your ROI. With our professional custom marketing campaigns, you can establish a strong brand presence, reach your ideal customers, and achieve long-term success in the automotive market.

Complimentary Custom Setup

At Real-Time Auto Leads, we believe in providing a comprehensive and hassle-free experience for our clients. That's why we offer a complimentary custom setup as part of our services. Whether you're looking to set up an automotive funnel or a website with unique digital assets, we'll handle the entire setup process for you.

From configuring the CRM platform to integrating necessary tools and functionalities, our team ensures that everything is set up correctly and tailored to your business. We take care of the technical aspects so that you can focus on what you do best—running your automotive business. With our complimentary custom setup, you can save time and effort while getting your automotive funnels and websites up and running smoothly.

Complimentary Ongoing Maintenance

At Real-Time Auto Leads, we understand that maintaining your digital assets is crucial for the success of your automotive marketing campaigns. That's why we offer complimentary ongoing maintenance as part of our services. Our dedicated team of experts will continue to support you even after the initial setup.

We'll regularly monitor and update your automotive funnels, websites, and digital assets to ensure they are running smoothly and effectively. This includes performing routine maintenance tasks, such as software updates, security patches, and performance optimization.

Our goal is to provide you with a hassle-free experience so that you can focus on your core business while we take care of the technical aspects. With our complimentary ongoing maintenance, you can have greater peace of mind knowing that your digital assets are in good hands, always up-to-date, and performing at their best.

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